Harvey Weinstein accuser cried on stand faces 3rd day of cross-examination

A woman who says Harvey Weinstein raped her is expected to face her third day of cross-examination by the former Hollywood producer's lawyer on Tuesday, after the previous day was cut short when she broke down in sobs on the witness stand.

Jessica Mann, 34, began weeping uncontrollably during Weinstein's rape trial in Manhattan on Monday as she read aloud an email she wrote in 2014 describing Weinstein as a "pseudo father" figure at the direction of Donna Rotunno, one of Weinstein's lawyers.

Mann had testified Friday that Weinstein raped her in a Manhattan hotel room in March 2013, early in what she described as an "extremely degrading" relationship with him. She said the relationship continued in some form for years after that.

The 67-year-old former producer has pleaded not guilty to raping Mann and to sexually assaulting another woman, Mimi Haleyi. He faces life in prison if found guilty of predatory sexual assault, the most serious charge.