Israel among top five most expensive places to order Pizza Hut, Domino's

Pizza is a food widespread throughout the Jewish state, and while Domino's only has a few locations, Pizza Hut is widespread, being one of the largest pizza chains in Israel. 

A vegan friendly sticker in seen on the door of a Domino's Pizza restaurant in Tel Aviv (photo credit: BAZ RATNER/REUTERS)
A vegan friendly sticker in seen on the door of a Domino's Pizza restaurant in Tel Aviv
(photo credit: BAZ RATNER/REUTERS)

Israel is among the most expensive countries in the world to order from global pizza giants Pizza Hut and Domino's Pizza, according to a new report from NetCredit.

On average, when ordering a regular large cheese pizza, Israel comes out as the fourth most expensive place for Pizza Hut, with a pie coming out to around $21.30. 

The most expensive place to order Pizza Hut was Finland, with a large cheese pizza costing $31.65. Next was Singapore at $22.50 and then Sweden at $21.49.

By contrast, the cheapest place to order Pizza Hut from is India, where a large cheese pizza costs just $3.50. Next was Turkey at $4.40, South Africa at $4.99 and then both New Zealand and Ghana at $6.06.

Regarding Domino's, Israel was ranked the third most expensive, with a large cheese pizza costing $21.60. The second most expensive is the United Kingdom at $22.34 and the most expensive is Singapore at $23.57.

Regarding the cheapest places for Domino's, topping the list is Ghana with just $4.03 for a large cheese pizza. This was followed by Thailand at $4.95, India at $5.63, Croatia at $5.72 and Egypt at $5.74.

New York family pizza (credit: Courtesy)Enlrage image
New York family pizza (credit: Courtesy)

Pizza in Israel: More than just Pizza Hut

Pizza is a food widespread throughout the Jewish state, and while Domino's only has a few locations, Pizza Hut is widespread, being one of the largest pizza chains in Israel. 

However, Israel is also home to cheaper pizzas as well. The most notable of these cheaper pizza brands are most likely Pizza Shemesh, another widespread chain, with a full cheese pizza costing just NIS 25, or a little over $7.