Jews are coming: Over 29,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel during the war

A report for this week's Real Estate Conference shows a sharp rise in immigration to Israel from Western countries since October 7. Is the country ready to absorb tens of thousands of new immigrants?

 Olim touch down at the Ben Gurion airport in 2018 (photo credit: YEHUDA HAIM/FLASH90)
Olim touch down at the Ben Gurion airport in 2018
(photo credit: YEHUDA HAIM/FLASH90)

It's official now, the immigrants are coming: An international conference hosted by Real Estate Media in collaboration with National Mortgage will take place at the Zionist House in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, August 28. The conference will examine the construction industry's estimates for absorbing the large influx of world Jewry to Israel at this time, amid the war and increasing antisemitism. The event will be broadcast live on Walla Real Estate starting at 10:00 AM. 

A special report from the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, the Jewish Agency, and the World Zionist Organization prepared for the conference presents astonishing data: since October 7, despite the ongoing war in Israel, more than 29,000 new immigrants have arrived in Israel from various countries, most of them from the West. 

The conference will host key figures such as the Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer, World Zionist Organization Chairman Yaakov Hagoel, Deputy Director of Aliyah and Integration at the Jewish Agency Shai Felber, and Ra'anana Mayor Chaim Broide, who discussed preparations for absorbing waves of immigrants and programs designed for new immigrants. Additionally, the conference will include senior representatives of the construction sector, led by the Builders Association and the Housing Development Fund.

Hundreds of thousands of new immigrants are on their way to the State of Israel

Sofer noted ahead of the Real Estate Media conference in collaboration with National Mortgage that "the growing desire for aliyah right now may lead to tens of thousands of immigrants in the coming years."

Indeed, according to data from this ministry and the Jewish Agency as mentioned, 29,000 new immigrants have arrived in Israel from dozens of countries around the world. Thousands of them arrived during the summer months, with assistance from the ministry the Jewish Agency, including young families with children and young immigrants.

A special report from the Global Aliyah Center of the Jewish Agency operated in collaboration with the Aliyah and Integration Ministry, reveals the number of interested parties who opened aliyah files since October 7. According to the data, since the outbreak of the Swords of Iron War, about 30,000 people have registered to open files, thus expressing their practical desire to immigrate to Israel.

 Among 66 new immigrants from the US and Canada who arrived on a Nefesh B’Nefesh flight on August 7 were eight young women volunteering in Israel’s National Civic Service who were welcomed by NBN’s Executive Director Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer. (credit: NEFESH B'NEFESH)
Among 66 new immigrants from the US and Canada who arrived on a Nefesh B’Nefesh flight on August 7 were eight young women volunteering in Israel’s National Civic Service who were welcomed by NBN’s Executive Director Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer. (credit: NEFESH B'NEFESH)

The data shows a significant increase in interest in aliyah to Israel from Western countries, reflected in a surge in the opening of aliyah files since October 7, 2023, compared to the same period last year.

For example, there has been a growth of about 355% in the opening of aliyah files from France, with more than 5,500 opened since the outbreak of the war, compared to about 1,200 in the same period last year. 

In the United States, more than 6,000 aliyah files were opened, a 62% increase compared to the same period last year before the outbreak of the war. 


Canada also recorded an 87% jump in the number of aliyah file openers, with more than 800 Jews expressing their desire to immigrate to Israel. A similar number have been opened in the UK in recent months, with a 63% increase. 

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Thousands of people participated in aliyah fairs organized by the Jewish Agency in recent months worldwide, in collaboration with the ministry and the Israeli Ofek organization, including young families, doctors, and more.

Special survey: Is Israel prepared to absorb thousands of immigrants?

"Many Jews have decided to make aliyah during a difficult time of war, in order to strengthen the State of Israel, show solidarity, and participate in the Zionist story," Sofer said. "I congratulate the new immigrants who have arrived, thank them for their important decision, and call on Jews from around the world to join and make aliyah - especially now.

"Throughout this year, we have announced special programs and benefits for new immigrants, such as reduced purchase taxes for buying a home, extensive rental assistance in the Negev and Galilee, specialized programs in academia, significant grants for immigrant doctors, and an immigrant support system," the minister said. "Currently, we are working on a significant reform in licensing professions. These programs, coupled with the increasing desire for aliyah, will bring thousands of new immigrants in the coming years." 

Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Maj.-Gen. Doron Almog: "The exciting data about the immigrants coming to our land reflects their commitment and great love for the State of Israel. These strengthen and inspire us during these difficult days. The arrival of immigrants alongside the State of Israel symbolizes hope. I congratulate the new immigrants on their arrival. We welcome them with open arms and great love. The Jewish Agency will be there for them at all times." 

Yaakov Hagoel chairman of the World Zionist Organization said, "Immigrating to Israel is the realization of generations' vision, especially in times of crisis. Even after the October War and the ongoing war for our security, we are witnessing an exciting immigration of about 25,000 new immigrants to our land. This is a strong message of determination, faith, and deep love for the Land of Israel.

"This wave, along with the opening of many more aliyah files, shows the entire world that the Jewish people are determined to continue building their future here, in the land of our ancestors. Together, we will continue to absorb, build, and strengthen, even in the most challenging times." 

Mayor Broide: "The city of Ra'anana has served for many years as a successful model for absorbing aliyah. The city has absorbed many residents from Anglo-Saxon countries and has become a landmark and example of branding under strong populations who have found interest in it throughout its history as a city. I am proud to say that the city is also ready today to absorb incoming waves of aliyah and certainly will be happy to continue this tradition." 

President of the Builders Association, Raul Serugo: "During this difficult period, we must not miss points of light such as the decision of Jews to immigrate to Israel. In order to pave the way for them, the government must join us, entrepreneurs, and builders to complete the processes that will stop the crisis in the industry and promote the construction and infrastructure. We need to build them a home because we all need them here." 

According to Uri Yonisi, head of the mortgage department at Bank Leumi: "We are seeing more aliyah files being opened and great interest in the real estate market since the start of the war. After the security threat is removed, as we all hope will happen, we also see great interest from foreign residents in the northern and southern regions.

"We see today that foreign residents are returning to the country in large numbers, and requests for mortgages have increased significantly in this sector. Even before the actual aliyah, people are ensuring they have a place to go, and their first transaction is a real estate transaction for residence."

Oren Cohen, owner of Oren Cohen Group, who led several major real estate deals in Jerusalem, describes the peak interest of world Jewry in exclusive properties in the capital of Israel - this time not for investment, but for residence. 

Also taking the stage at the event will be: Africa-Israel Residences CEO Micha Klein; Regional CEO Ron Avidan; David Yehalom, CEO of the Housing Development Fund; Shmuel Levi, CEO of Ambassador Real Estate Marketing; Shlomo Elmaleh, Eshel Finances; and Eliyahu Kleinman, CEO of Sapir.

Shmulik Levy, CEO of the Ambassador Group: "In recent months, we have received numerous inquiries from foreign residents interested in purchasing a home in Israel, particularly in Jerusalem. These inquiries come from buyers seeking to live near their children who immigrated several years ago, from young people looking to make Aliyah, and from community leaders and groups with whom we have been in contact for a long time, who wish to relocate to Israel together as a community. Now, due to the current situation, the need and desire to advance this move have grown."