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Boris Mints webinar to celebrate Food Planet Prize

Can the world continue to provide enough food?
The Boris Mints Institute at Tel-Aviv University celebrates the synergy between research and practice, through its researchers and the winners of the 2020 Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize, in a special Zoom webinar, focusing on research and development for a better world.
The forum feature four of the winners of the 2020 Prize who will discuss their award-winning projects.
The Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize identifies, recognizes, and rewards important initiatives to reinvent the food chain and helps establish a sustainable food system that supports the resilience of the biosphere and the stability of our planet.
Representatives from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (Icipe), Blue Ventures, Sanergy Ltd., and The Land Institute will summarize their projects. Following each presentation, researchers from Tel Aviv University will present their studies related to the awardee’s research.
One of the highlights of the event is expected to be the presentation by Dr. Segenet Kelemu, Director General & CEO of icipe, and Professor Prof. Itai Sened, Dean of the Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences and Head of the Boris Mints Institute at Tel Aviv University who will discuss the collaboration between the two institutions.
Icipe has done groundbreaking work in introducing insect-based protein in food and animal feed and has pioneered insect science for sustainable development to alleviate poverty, ensure food security, and improve the well-being and resilience of communities in Africa. The Boris Mints Institute, following its vision of finding strategic policy solutions for global challenges, has partnered with the organization in producing impact assessments of some of their technologies that are being adopted by farmers across Africa. In addition, the two institutions maintain exchange programs with students from both institutions.
The Boris Mints Institute is a part of the School of Social and Policy Studies at Tel Aviv University in Ramat Aviv and was founded by Dr. Boris Mints in 2015 to encourage research, planning, and innovative thinking to promote a significant positive change in the world.
The Institute focuses on delivering detailed strategic blueprints for implementation to decision-makers worldwide, based on research conducted by the finest researchers and students in five research labs: Inequality, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development, Water, Demography, and Conflict Resolution. The Boris Mints Institute also awards the annual Boris Mints Prize – a $100,000 award to academics helping to solve strategic global challenges.