John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, has coronavirus

The announcement came via his son Matt during a sermon at his father's Cornerstone Church.

HAGEE: ‘ISRAEL and the Jewish people face many threats, thus we must continue to grow.’ (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
HAGEE: ‘ISRAEL and the Jewish people face many threats, thus we must continue to grow.’
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Prominent megachurch pastor and founder of Christians United for Israel John Hagee has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
The announcement came from his son Matt on Sunday during a service at his father’s Cornerstone Church, based in San Antonio, Texas.
“He is receiving extremely good medical treatment, and I can tell you that he feels well enough to be upset with his doctors,” Matt said, to laughter from his congregation, according to the San Antonio Express.
“He did let me know before I came to church today that he covets your prayers and he looks forward to seeing you again very soon back here at Cornerstone Church.”
The church counts 22,000 members within its congregation, with sermons broadcast throughout the US and Canada and livestreamed worldwide.
Matt called upon the church’s followers to pray for the 80-year-old pastor, and also for US President Donald Trump, “as he indeed is struggling with this as well.”
“No weapon formed should prosper. No virus has the authority over the name that is above every name, and it is that matchless name that we speak today, knowing that it conquers every sickness, every disease.”
In addition to his ministry, John Hagee is a prominent conservative activist and supporter of Israel. In 2017, he met with Vice President Mike Pence privately in Washington to discuss US-Israel relations. The trip included a visit to the Oval Office “to say hello” to Trump, a spokesman for Hagee said at the time.
Pence has been a strong supporter of Hagee and the Conservative Friends of Israel, calling him “my friend” who “had the courage and the vision to unite American Christians to rally around those ancient words ‘for Zion’s sake, I will not keep silent.... Pastor John Hagee, I thank you for your leadership on behalf of this nation and the Jewish State of Israel.”
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted his best wishes for Hagee: "I pray for the speedy recovery of @PastorJohnHagee. Israel has no better friend."

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San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg also expressed his support, saying: “It’s a terrible disease, and we wish the Hagee family well and a speedy recovery,” according to the San Antonio Express.

Hagee was not present on Sunday evening for a scheduled worship event broadcast live via Facebook and YouTube, but has continued tweeting praise and scripture via his Twitter account.