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Terrorists open fire at Bat Hefer, IDF announces three dead soldiers

 Smoke rises following Israeli strikes during an Israeli military operation in Rafah, as seen from Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 28, 2024. (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/REUTERS)
Smoke rises following Israeli strikes during an Israeli military operation in Rafah, as seen from Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 28, 2024.

IDF locates 20 tunnels crossing to Egypt near Philadelphi corridor

  (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The IDF located 20 tunnels crossing into Egypt near the Philadelphi corridor, Israeli media reported Wednesday. The IDF located 82 tunnel shafts, which are under investigation by the Engineer Corps. 

The IDF also announced that it has complete control of the corridor.

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Knesset passes preliminary bill designating UNRWA terrorist organisation

The same bill, which comes in light of evidence suggesting UNRWA employees' links to Hamas, will abolish the immunities and privileges gifted to UNRWA employees.

 A Palestinian man waits outside of the UNRWA headquarters building in Gaza City on April 6, 2013. (photo credit: Wissam Nassar/Flash90.)
A Palestinian man waits outside of the UNRWA headquarters building in Gaza City on April 6, 2013.
(photo credit: Wissam Nassar/Flash90.)

MK Yulia Malinovsky's bill to designate UNRWA a terrorist organization passed a preliminary reading with a 42-6 majority in the Knesset on Wednesday. The bill will abolish UNRWA employees' immunities and privileges.

If the bill passes a final reading, it will mean that the Anti-Terrorism Law will also apply to UNRWA. Israel will subsequently cease all ties with the agency, and the organization's assets in Israeli territory will be closed.

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Hamas terrorists fire at Jewish community in Bat Hefer, near Tulkarm

This is the second shooting in Bat Hefer in two days, evoking a response from the head of regional council calling for preventative measures to be put in place.

 Israeli soldiers operate in Tulkarm, the West Bank, May 6, 2024 (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Israeli soldiers operate in Tulkarm, the West Bank, May 6, 2024

The IDF confirmed that Hamas-affiliated terrorists shot at the community in Bat Hefer, making it the second shooting incident of its kind in the past few days.

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'Hamas wouldn't let me treat patients, Gazans don't support them,' foreign volunteer doctor reveals

Dr. Baxtiyar Baram, who volunteered in northern Gaza says only ten percent of people back Hamas, but the group continues to have control.

A Gazan girl near a destroyed building in Rafah (photo credit: RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)
A Gazan girl near a destroyed building in Rafah
(photo credit: RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)

A volunteer doctor reveals that not only does Hamas continue to exploit hospitals but it also has a “VIP” section in one hospital where it only allows certain patients, apparently those with connections, to get treatments.

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'Netanyahu doesn't want a peaceful solution': Endeavor CEO Emanuel calls for PM's resignation

"Netanyahu doesn't want a peaceful solution, and it's become clear that getting to a political solution and Netanyahu remaining in power are irreconcilable paths," Emanuel said.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a press conference at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. November 22, 2023 (photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends a press conference at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. November 22, 2023
(photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel made a speech claiming that peace can't be achieved with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in office because he "doesn't want a peaceful solution," and called for him to resign.

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IDF intercepts drone off coast of northern Israel

 breaking news (photo credit: JPOST STAFF)
breaking news
(photo credit: JPOST STAFF)

The IDF intercepted a drone off the coast of Rosh Hanikra in northern Israel on Wednesday morning, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said.

Overnight, the IDF struck a military building where Hezbollah terrorists were present in the Naqoura area, as well as terrorist infrastructure in Ramyah and At Tiri.

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UN ahead of Knesset vote: 'There is no alternative to UNRWA'

Dujarric said while the Kerem Shalom crossing remains open in principle, it's extremely difficult for aid organizations to access the deliveries from the Gaza side due to several factors.

 Israeli soldiers operate next to the UNRWA headquarters, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, February 8, 2024.  (photo credit: DYLAN MARTINEZ/REUTERS)
Israeli soldiers operate next to the UNRWA headquarters, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, February 8, 2024.

Israeli authorities "as the occupying power" will have to take responsibility for a lot of UNRWA's operations if the organization is no longer able to operate, UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said during Tuesday's news briefing, a day ahead of the Knesset's preliminary vote on a bill designating UNRWA as a terrorist organization. 

Secretary General Antonio Guterres' "unconditional, unwavering" support for UNRWA should be clear to all, Dujarric told reporters. 

"He's underscored over and over again the critical role that UNRWA plays. You have some sort of contingency planning going on for this, because there is no alternative to UNRWA," he said. 

UNRWA Communications Director Juliette Touma also addressed reporters during the briefing virtually from Jordan. 

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PIJ releases hostage video as Israel sends new proposal to hostage negotiator

An Egyptian security delegation is trying in coordination with Qatar and the US to reactivate talks to reach a truce in Gaza and release hostages, Egypt's state-affiliated Al-Qahera News said.

 Alexander (Sasha) Trupanov, kidnapped and held hostage by Hamas on October 7, 2023 (photo credit: BRINGTHEMHOMENOW)
Alexander (Sasha) Trupanov, kidnapped and held hostage by Hamas on October 7, 2023
(photo credit: BRINGTHEMHOMENOW)

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) released a video of the Israeli-Russian hostage Alexander Sasha Trupanov, 28, amid attempts to revive the dormant deal for the release of the remaining 125 captives.

KAN News reported that Israel had sent a new proposal to the mediators, Qatar and Egypt, following Sunday night’s war cabinet meeting. It showed more flexibility in regard to the number of hostages that would be freed in the first part of what has in the past been framed as a three-part deal.

Women, the sick, and the elderly had always been expected to be released in the first part of the deal, but in the past, there had been a dispute regarding how many live captives would be part of the deal in that first phase. Numbers that had been floated for live captives were as high as 33 and as low as 18.

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Pentagon will rebuild temporary aid pier, continue sending weapons to Israel

According to the Pentagon spokeswoman, the Pentagon believes it will be able to re-anchor the pier and operate without further hindrance from weather conditions. 

Members of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and the Israeli military put in place the Trident Pier, a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid, on the Gaza coast, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, May 16, 2024. (photo credit: US CENTRAL COMMAND/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
Members of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy and the Israeli military put in place the Trident Pier, a temporary pier to deliver humanitarian aid, on the Gaza coast, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, May 16, 2024.

Sections of the Trident pier will take at least a week to be rebuilt after it sustained damage on Saturday during heavy sea states, according to the Pentagon. 

Four US Army vessels supporting the Gaza maritime aid mission were beached ashore after a power failure caused motorized sections of the pier used for stabilization to break free from their anchors, spokesperson Sabrina Singh said during a news briefing Tuesday afternoon. 

According to Singh, one of the Army vessels beached on Israel's coast near Ashkelon has been recovered and a second vessel will be recovered within the next 24 hours. The remaining two vessels are expected to be recovered within the next 48 hours. 

The Israeli Navy is assisting with the vessel recovery efforts. 

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Foreign Minister seeks to block possible UNSC resolution against Rafah op

The Foreign Ministry sent a message to those envoys posed in the capital of the 15-member body to urge those governments to oppose the measure.

 IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. May 27, 2024. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF troops operate in the Gaza Strip. May 27, 2024.

Israel sought to block a potential United Nations Security Council resolution against its military operation to eliminate Hamas in Rafah, as the international community continued to express its outrage over a Sunday night IDF strike in which 45 Palestinians were killed.

“The word tragic doesn’t even begin to describe it,” US Vice President Kamala Harris said.

US National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby called the images of Rafah “heartbreaking” and “horrific.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the strike and was “heartbroken by the images of the killed and injured, including many small children,” his spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said.

“As he has said before, the horror and suffering must stop immediately.”

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Israel-Hamas war: What you need to know

  • Hamas launched a massive attack on October 7, with thousands of terrorists infiltrating from the Gaza border and taking some 240 hostages into Gaza
  • Over 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals were murdered, including over 350 in the Re'im music festival and hundreds of Israeli civilians across Gaza border communities
  • 125 hostages remain in Gaza
  • 39 hostages in total have been killed in captivity, IDF says