Yuri Birnbaum, Adrian Marcelo Podmesser, Yohanan Shchori named as victims of W. Bank attack

The three were killed on Sunday morning by a Jordanian citizen.

 Yuri Birnbaum, Adrian Marcelo Podmesser, Yohanan Shchori were killed by a Jordanian citizen at the Allenby Crossing in the West Bank on August 8, 2024. (photo credit: Via Maariv)
Yuri Birnbaum, Adrian Marcelo Podmesser, Yohanan Shchori were killed by a Jordanian citizen at the Allenby Crossing in the West Bank on August 8, 2024.
(photo credit: Via Maariv)

Three individuals were killed by a Jordanian citizen at the Allenby Crossing in the West Bank on Sunday, including Yuri Birnbaum, Adrian Marcelo Modmesser, and Yohanan Shchori.

Yuri Birnbaum

Yuri Birnbaum was a 65-year-old resident of Moshav Na'ama in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank, and had worked as a forklift operator at the Allenby crossing.

Yuri had immigrated to Israel in the 90's from Russia with his wife Tovah, who died of cancer several years ago. They were parents to three children named Philip, Orly, and Andrei.

"Today we are saying goodbye to Yuri Birinbaum, a member of the Naama Moshav since 1990," Walla quoted the Jordan Valley Regional Council. "He was murdered in a shooting attack on the Allenby Bridge. We share in the family's grief for his untimely death. May his memory be a blessing. Details on the funeral date will be provided later."

Adrian Marcelo Podmesser

One of the others killed in the West Bank terror attack was Adrian Marcelo Podmesser, 57, from Ariel. He leaves behind a wife and four children. His funeral will take place on Monday at 5 p.m. at the Ariel cemetery.

"We grieve alongside Marcelo's family. He will always be remembered as a kind man," Ariel Mayor Yair Shatbon told Walla. "The attack reminds us once again that we are at war with a cruel enemy, not only in the south and the north, and sharpens the need for broad action in all areas."

 Police at the scene where three Israelis were killed in a terror shooting attack at Allenby bridge, a crossing between West Bank and Jordan, September 8, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)
Police at the scene where three Israelis were killed in a terror shooting attack at Allenby bridge, a crossing between West Bank and Jordan, September 8, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/AMMAR AWAD)

Yohanan Shchori

Yohanan Shchori, 61, and father of six was also killed in the attack.

Shchori was a resident of Ma'aleh Ephraim and worked for the Israel Airports Authority, Walla reported.

"Starting on October 7, Shchori was recruited to a reserve squad and performed every task required out of mission and commitment to the security of the residents. He was a regular volunteer in the civil guard for many years. We are saddened by the murder of our dear friend and grieve with his family," Ma'ale Ephraim said, Walla reported.