Israeli volunteers in Ukraine will be recognized by National Insurance

So far, Israel's National Insurance has, according to the law, covered volunteers working in Israel and volunteers who have worked outside the country.

Yair Lapid and former Welfare Minister Meir Cohen present Yesh Atid's social welfare platform outside of the National Insurance Institute in Tel Aviv on Wednesday (photo credit: Courtesy)
Yair Lapid and former Welfare Minister Meir Cohen present Yesh Atid's social welfare platform outside of the National Insurance Institute in Tel Aviv on Wednesday
(photo credit: Courtesy)

Assistance provided by Israel's National Insurance for volunteers assisting in Ukraine has been expanded by the Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services Minister, MK Meir Cohen.

The minister's order stipulated that in an emergency, war or disaster, a volunteer who was sent abroad for up to 60 days, on behalf of a government ministry, or an organization that was recognized as a public body would be recognized as a volunteer in accordance with the law.

The National Insurance will recognize volunteers in Israel in an event of an injury suffered while volunteering and will pay the benefits, including payment of injury benefits for up to 91 days, work disability allowance, medical treatment and vocational rehabilitation.

So far, the National Insurance has, according to the law, covered volunteers working in Israel and volunteers who have worked outside the country.

In cases of promotion and encouragement of immigration within the framework of national service or through the Jewish Agency. To ensure social protection for volunteers abroad it was necessary to amend and extend the order by the Minister of Welfare and Social Security.

The extension of coverage provided by the government was approved in light of the state of emergency in Ukraine and the extensive activities of many organizations, including MDA, Union and Rescue, Israid, JDC, Canada Israel, members of medicine, and more.

"The State of Israel considers humanitarian aid important in areas of disaster and war and it is an integral part of our conduct in crisis situations,” Cohen said.

“At the same time, legislation should be adapted to reality on the ground. Volunteering is a way of life and at this time every volunteer should know that there is someone who takes care of him, while he takes care of others," he added.

"In recent days, we have once again witnessed the beautiful face of the Israeli citizen with a strong desire to volunteer and assist civilians leaving the fighting zone in Ukraine,” said Meir Spiegler, CEO of National Insurance and project manager of the National Task Force for the Absorption of Immigrants from Ukraine.

“The extension of the social coverage of the Social Security volunteers is the backing of the state to all those who left their daily routine and went to save lives,” he added.

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“The National Insurance has always recognized and insured volunteers, and extending the order to volunteers who go to disaster and combat zones further intensifies the importance and significance of the phrase 'mutual guarantee,'" he concluded.