US tracking reports of Americans killed, abducted in Hamas invasion of Israel

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US had not confirmed any numbers yet but was pursuing reports of Americans among the casualties.

 Hundreds in line at the Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv to donate blood, with  more than 300 injuries as dozens of terrorists infiltrate southern Israel and more than a thousand rockets were fired by Gaza militants into Israel. October 7, 2023.  (photo credit: TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)
Hundreds in line at the Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv to donate blood, with more than 300 injuries as dozens of terrorists infiltrate southern Israel and more than a thousand rockets were fired by Gaza militants into Israel. October 7, 2023.
(photo credit: TOMER NEUBERG/FLASH90)

The Biden administration is investigating reports that Americans are among the at least 600 people killed and the 100 or so abducted in the Hamas invasion of Israel.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking on Sunday news shows, said the United States had not confirmed any numbers yet but was pursuing reports of Americans among the casualties.

“So we have reports that several Americans may be among the dead we are very actively working to verify those reports,” Blinken told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Similarly, we’ve seen reports about hostages and there again, we’re very actively trying to verify them and nail that down.”

Officials at the US embassy in Israel and the Israeli embassy in Washington said they did not yet have any further information.

One American has appeared among appeals for information about missing people

 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken looks on, as U.S. President Joe Biden (not pictured) speaks about the conflict in Israel, after Hamas launched its biggest attack in decades, while making a statement about the crisis, at the White House in Washington, U.S. October 7, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/ELIZABETH FRANTZ/FILE PHOTO)
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken looks on, as U.S. President Joe Biden (not pictured) speaks about the conflict in Israel, after Hamas launched its biggest attack in decades, while making a statement about the crisis, at the White House in Washington, U.S. October 7, 2023 (credit: REUTERS/ELIZABETH FRANTZ/FILE PHOTO)

At least one American has appeared among appeals for information about young adults missing after Hamas attacked an overnight outdoors party at Kibbutz Reim: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose father, Jon Polin, is posting on WhatsApp groups, seeking information about his son’s whereabouts. Attendees of the party, which was among the first targets in the surprise onslaught, are among the dead and abducted.