Gal Gadot: The Jewish people 'will prevail, [only] by being united'

In her conversation with Herzog, Gadot underscored the importance of Israel as a beacon for Jews around the world.

 President Isaac Herzog and Gal Gadot (illustrative). (photo credit: Anna Webber/Getty Images for Breakthrough Prize, Canva, GPO)
President Isaac Herzog and Gal Gadot (illustrative).
(photo credit: Anna Webber/Getty Images for Breakthrough Prize, Canva, GPO)

“We will prevail, but the only way is by being united,” declared Israeli actress Gal Gadot during an emotional virtual symposium on Sunday, where she joined President Isaac Herzog to launch the "Voice of the People" initiative.

Reflecting on the recent rise in global antisemitism following the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, Gadot emphasized the resilience of the Jewish people. “There’s life before October 7 and life after,” she said.

“No one thought something so horrific could happen in 2023, but through all the horror, there’s something amazing about our people—no revenge, just hope, light, and love.”

The actress, known for her pride in her Israeli and Jewish heritage, spoke candidly about the emotional toll the events have taken on her. “Not a day goes by without me thinking about the hostages still in Gaza,” Gadot shared.

“It breaks my heart. Words cannot describe the horror, but I’ve been so inspired by the families I’ve spoken to—they’re going through the most horrifying experience, yet they remain full of hope, light, and love.”

In her conversation with Herzog, Gadot underscored the importance of Israel as a beacon for Jews around the world. “Israel is the insurance policy for Jewish people everywhere,” she said. “It was born after the Holocaust, and we must ensure it remains strong and stable. Hopefully, one day—soon—we will live in peace with all our neighbors. But for now, we have to stand united.”

 President Isaac Herzog and Gal Gadot discussing the need for Jewish unity, September 15, 2024. (credit: CHAIM ZACH / GPO)
President Isaac Herzog and Gal Gadot discussing the need for Jewish unity, September 15, 2024. (credit: CHAIM ZACH / GPO)

Launching a global Jewish council

President Herzog echoed Gadot’s call for unity, announcing the formation of a new global Jewish council as part of the "Voice of the People" initiative. The council, which will consist of 150 Jewish leaders from around the world, aims to address issues such as antisemitism, Israel-Diaspora relations, and security concerns. “We are a small nation, but in unity, there is strength,” Herzog said. “We have always overcome when we stand together. That is the essence of this initiative: to bring us together, to have dialogue, and to shape our future.”

Israeli footballer Daniel Lifshitz, whose grandparents were taken hostage during the October 7 attacks, also spoke at the event. His story of personal loss and resilience moved the audience. “My grandfather fought in four wars to protect Israel, and now he’s being held hostage in Gaza,” Lifshitz said. “I feel it’s my mission to bring everyone home. Peace itself is being held hostage.”

Addressing global challenges

The "Voice of the People" initiative comes at a critical time for the global Jewish community as antisemitism continues to rise. President Herzog reflected on the duality of the situation, describing October 6 as both “the best of times and the worst of times” for the Jewish people. While Israel was strong and Jewish communities were thriving, internal conflicts and rising divisions among Jews were also apparent. “Then this event happened—an earthquake—and it shook us all. Some Jews who never felt strongly before reconnected, but others drifted away,” Herzog said.

Shirel Dagan-Levy, CEO of "Voice of the People," highlighted the importance of the initiative’s mission: “In this time of unprecedented challenge, we are calling on Jewish leaders worldwide to join us in securing our collective future.”

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With mentorship from global experts and a focus on investing in the next generation of Jewish leadership, the initiative aims to foster unity and collaboration. Alongside the council, a broad community network will engage in virtual town halls and research projects to strengthen Jewish communities worldwide.

A call to action

Sunday’s launch event included emotional performances by Michal Greenglick, who lost her brother during the fighting in Gaza, and poet Aija Mayrock. Their contributions underscored the enduring spirit of the Jewish people in the face of adversity.

As Gadot concluded, “We must advocate for the hostages to come home—it’s unimaginable that they’re still there. We will prevail, but only by standing together.”

Applications for the Global Jewish Council are now open at