Unity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a challenge that demands real sacrifice.
In her conversation with Herzog, Gadot underscored the importance of Israel as a beacon for Jews around the world.
While Jewish divisions are often highlighted, true unity emerges during crises, revealing the enduring solidarity of the Jewish people both in Israel and the Diaspora.
The survey indicates a trend toward a desire for unity between different sectors of Israeli society, seemingly influenced by the events on and after October 7.
In meetings with Hezbollah, and discussions with Palestinian groups the new Iranian President discussed his outreach to Muslim countries and how he would leverage Iran’s ties to pressure Israel.
Kesher Yehudi is a social movement born in response to the rift tearing apart Israeli society.
Either we find a way to impose on quarrelling leaders our demand for cooperation or we sit back like the sages at the banquet and contribute through indifference to the demise of our great countries.
Showing how Israeli religious and non-religious Jews have united during wartime, the study reflected that 18% of Israelis now believed there to be strong conflicts between religious and non-religious
Many of the 20 thousand teens have lost family and friends in the war and experienced its horrors firsthand.