Tel Aviv ‘secret’ burger joint isn’t so secret (or good)

Vice News reported that the restaurant's wait list was two-months-long, but a Jerusalem Post reporter got her burger in just 15 minutes, no secret number required.

A burger with fries (illustrative) (photo credit: Shawn Rodgers)
A burger with fries (illustrative)
(photo credit: Shawn Rodgers)
A Vice News video on Guy Barlev (aka “the Professor”), a man who owns a supposedly secret burger restaurant in Tel Aviv, resurfaced on Tuesday, claiming that in order to eat there, one needs a secret number.
“This location is the third location in four months [because] I didn’t want somebody to know where we are cooking. We just moved on because people wanted to find us,” the Professor told Elle Reeve from Vice News.
Reeve reported that the only way to get one of his burgers covered in barbecue sauce was with “a secret WhatsApp number that originally spread through word of mouth.”
The wait list is more than two months long and over 3,000 people are on it, according to Reeve’s report.
However, upon visiting the restaurant, Jerusalem Post Military Correspondent Anna Ahronheim found that no such number was needed.
“I’ve heard a lot of hype surrounding the Professor, including a video report by Vice which said there were thousands of people waiting for the burger. To my surprise I live around the corner from it,” she said.
Ahronheim called the burger “not exciting whatsoever,” “dull” and “too cooked.”
The reportedly two-month-long wait list, isn’t so long, according to Ahronheim. “One Saturday night around 11 I went in my PJs and ordered. I waited 15 minutes for the meal, which was not super exciting.”
She did have one good thing to say about the burger joint, “Only good thing about it were the fries.”