Star Catcher: Astrology for the week of November 24, 2017
You can convince yourself that you are right, but this week you will have a hard time convincing others of the value of the stand you have taken.
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE)NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! This past year has turned your world upside down in many ways but now you are in a strong position to start anew… filled with a lot more experience, a few regrets, but most of all, ready to move forward in this new chapter of your life. Although financially you are far from secure, here too you have a plan to carry you through. Take some time to show your partner or mate just how much you appreciate them. HINT: Time spent with family will be keeping you busy in the weeks to come, so plan accordingly.CAPRICORN (EARTH)DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19Not everyone understands just how much you care and how deeply committed you are toward helping those closest to you. However, there is one family member who has your back and continues to tell you just how proud they are of you. All you need to do is be true to yourself and things will eventually fall into place just as you imagine they will. Financially you are on top of the situation even though some unexpected expenses always seem to crop up. HINT: The middle portion of this week is good for socializing… you can use a break.AQUARIUS (AIR)JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18You have almost reached the end of your rope waiting for a reply to a message you sent out a month or so ago. In the meantime, check out your options and see what is available that suits you. All will eventually be settled, but no one, especially you, likes waiting. Financially you are still trying to put some more money aside, which hasn’t been easy these past few months. The good news is that you are solid in the bank and really have little to be concerned about. HINT: Time spent with your partner or mate entertaining family members is a win-win situation.PISCES (WATER)
FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20Sometimes it is difficult for you to see that the glass is really half full when there are so many unanswered questions floating in your mind. Trust your intuition and relax. You have done your best for so long that you really don’t know how to take a step back and enjoy some quiet time. Financially things are fine and you have enough for what you need and then some. A conversation with another water sign is always welcome and soon your schedules will coincide, leaving you some free time to meet. HINT: Sunday and Monday are your days for taking care of personal business this week.ARIES (FIRE)MARCH 21-APRIL 19You need to find a quiet project that you can complete on your own without any interference from well-meaning friends and colleagues. Choose wisely and enjoy creating something special like only you can do. So many people are interested in joining your inner circle, and it will be up to you to set up boundaries between close friends and acquaintances. Financially you need to pay attention this week and watch where you leave your wallet and keys. HINT: Try not to waste your time sifting through the past. You are a different person now, and wiser and actually happier.TAURUS (EARTH)APRIL 20-MAY 20Professional obligations and personal commitments compete for your attention this week and you will have to spend your time wisely if you wish to be free of one in order to enjoy the other. You know your worth, and there are days when you feel you aren’t appreciated or working to your fullest ability. Financially you are a bit stressed over social events you had to attend which included a monetary gift, but during the coming weeks you will be able to restock your coffers. HINT: Try to find a day or two to relax at home with your partner or mate.GEMINI (AIR)MAY 21-JUNE 21This is the week to get your priorities straight and to take care of some of the chores which have been accumulating in and around your home. Soon you will be busy with social events and obligations and won’t have the time or energy to deal thoroughly with what needs to be done. A conversation with a colleague will spark an interesting idea which needs to be carefully considered.HINT: The last few days of this week may find you busy dealing with family issues. The more concentrated you are the better, as a word uttered in haste could cause a problem down the road.CANCER (WATER)JUNE 22-JULY 22Family pressures have kept you from being your usual optimistic self and over the past few weeks you have used every spare minute to hibernate in order to regain your strength. Trust yourself. You know what needs to be done, what needs to be said, and who you can rely on when you yourself need a helping hand. Financially things are definitely improving, so relax. Visitors from abroad will soon be heard from, and don’t be surprised if one or two come to spend some time with you. HINT: Young members of your family always brighten your day, and the more time you spend together this week the better.LEO (FIRE)JULY 23-AUGUST 22The time has come for you to take a step back from all the excitement in your life and get back into a routine. Projects which have been sitting half done need attending to and there is no time like the present. Once you roll up your sleeves and begin to work you will remember just how much pleasure you feel and how much satisfaction you receive from a job well done. Financially you could always use a boost to your income, but these days things are better than they were. HINT: Be patient with your partner or mate… they will catch up… eventually.VIRGO (EARTH)AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22You can convince yourself that you are right, but this week you will have a hard time convincing others of the value of the stand you have taken. If you aren’t careful you could lose a very close connection with someone you sincerely care about due to your stubbornness and inability to admit that perhaps you erred. Financially all is well and you have nothing to worry about. HINT: The first few days of this week are good days for brainstorming with your partner or mate. Try to remember to listen for a change.LIBRA (AIR)SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23Things are definitely moving in the right direction and you have the pleasure of knowing that all your hard work over the past few years is beginning to place you where you hoped you would be. You still have a few goals you are aiming for, and together with your partner or mate will soon be working to attain them. Financially you remain concerned, albeit not nearly as much as you were a year ago. HINT: Family members are always important, and soon you will visit a relative you haven’t seen in far too long.SCORPIO (WATER)OCTOBER 24-NOVEMBER 21You are much happier with yourself this week, and now is the time to make some personal changes which have been on your mind for quite some time. You have gained so much over the past couple of years and the knowledge you have now will stand you in good stead for years to come. People are attracted by your energy, your experience and your willingness to share. HINT: The middle days of this week may find you in an uncomfortable situation with an old friend. Tell the truth… you have nothing to lose.