Women of the Wall hold costumed megila reading

At Western Wall, women dress as yeshiva students, policemen; Silverman's niece receives permission to attend.

ANAT HOFFMAN 370 (photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
(photo credit: Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
In a satiric move, Women of the Wall held a Purim megila reading at the Western Wall on Monday while dressed as yeshiva bochers (“students”) and policemen.
Seventeen-year-old Hallel Abramowitz-Silverman, who was detained at the Western Wall along with nine other women on February 11, dressed as a prisoner and handcuffed herself to friends dressed as policemen.
Abramowitz-Silverman received special permission to attend the megila reading from police, as she had signed a restraining order barring her from the Western Wall for two weeks after her earlier arrest.
Women of the Wall founder Anat Hoffman dressed as a yeshiva student and executive director Lesley Sachs dressed as a policewoman.
Approximately 100 participants attended the reading of the Scroll of Esther. It passed without incident and no arrests were made, unlike recent prayer services conducted by the organization that have seen the police detain several female worshipers for wearing “male” prayer shawls at the site.
Hoffman said that she hoped that all future Women of the Wall prayer services would pass as peacefully, and that this could happen “if the police will act against extremists at the Western Wall and not against women praying together.”