Scoop: Jerusalem man charged for assaulting US tourist over price of ice cream

The Jerusalem business owner smashed a glass cup into an American tourist in his 50s following a verbal argument over the price of the ice cream the tourist had just purchased.

Ice cream cone (illustrative) (photo credit: ING IMAGE/ASAP)
Ice cream cone (illustrative)
(photo credit: ING IMAGE/ASAP)

A Jerusalem business owner was indicted on Sunday following his arrest for violently assaulting an American tourist in the Old City of Jerusalem a week prior over the price of ice cream.

Here's the scoop on what happened.

An American tourist is assaulted by a business owner in the Old City of Jerusalem following an argument over the price of ice cream. (Video credit: Israel Police).

A cone of violence: The price of ice cream sparks assault in Jerusalem

The incident happened on August 19 at around noon, when police responded to reports of an assault in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Based on details gained from a police investigation, the business owner smashed a glass cup into the head of an American tourist in his 50s following a verbal argument over the price of the ice cream the tourist had just purchased.

The business owner had attempted to flee from the police, even hiding inside his place of work before the police were able to apprehend him. His detention in police custody was later extended.

His business was also closed for eight days as a result.

The victim was lightly injured due to the incident and had a cut on his head.