Investigators claim that the assailant would stare down his opponents in the courtroom in a "case unlike any other."
Garland reportedly arrived at the Gordon Jewish Community Center wearing an obviously apparent fake beard, fake peyot sidelocks, black clothing and a hat.
The officers were also accused of attempting to destroy evidence of the incident from their GoPro cameras and cell phones.
Roy Gross, 28, has undergone surgery to treat the wounds he sustained during the attack and is expected to need further surgeries.
One victim was struck in the face and body and the other victim was pushed to the ground. Both students declined medical attention.
"Despicable hatred runs rampant on Pitt's campus," Pitt's Chabad rabbi wrote on Instagram after the attack.
The man wearing the pin stood across the street from ten pro-Israel protesters calling them "sick" and saying they were "defending genocide."
As one alleged attacker punched the student in the face, the other reportedly filmed the incident.
“It was a gang of criminals who carried out a robbery, they entered, tied them up, robbed them and escaped."
Fahad Qubati, a 24-year-old Christian from Nazareth who served in the IDF, was visiting Greece when he was assaulted by 12 attackers, witnesses said.