Politicians and journalists, do not hinder Israel from winning the war- opinion

CERTAIN STATEMENTS by politicians and journalists have the potential to sabotage the righteousness of our cause as we face an opaque world that favors the lies of Palestinian terrorists. 

 ATTORNEY-GENERAL Gali Baharav-Miara addresses the annual conference of the Israel Bar Association in Eilat, in May.  (photo credit: Flash 90-)
ATTORNEY-GENERAL Gali Baharav-Miara addresses the annual conference of the Israel Bar Association in Eilat, in May.
(photo credit: Flash 90-)

Strange things are happening in the State of Israel’s legal and judicial system.

The decision by the State Attorney’s Office and Israel Police to arrest IDF soldiers and investigate them on suspicion of the “murder of a Nukhba terrorist” on October 7 is puzzling.

Even more illogical is the fact that two judicial courts decided to release the fighters, despite an order to detain them for 10 days.

How the combination of the words “murder of a Nukhba terrorist” makes any sense at all, is beyond belief.

Having first accused the soldiers of killing a terrorist, the State Attorney’s Office has now changed the accusation saying the Palestinian was not a Nukhba terrorist but a Gazan civilian who had entered Israel after the initial attack by Hamas terrorists to join in the killing.

These three Israeli heroes who on October 7, instantly rejoined the IDF of their own volition to fight off the terrorists and save lives, have also been accused of stealing ammunition on that day. Nevertheless, it appears that they are not to be charged with murder.

State Attorney Amit Aisman (credit: COURTESY HAIFA UNIVERSITY)
State Attorney Amit Aisman (credit: COURTESY HAIFA UNIVERSITY)

State prosecutor Amit Aisman’s request to investigate National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir for incitement against the people of Gaza is also bizarre.

Is the Israeli legal system unaware that such an investigation of a government minister during wartime lends legitimacy to the joint complaint filed by South Africa, Spain, and Ireland against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) for alleged war crimes?

Legal affairs correspondent Avishai Greenzeig has revealed that even in Aisman’s inner circle there is strong criticism of the idea of investigating Ben-Gvir and the matter is awaiting the attorney general’s decision.

On behalf of the state attorney and the attorney general, it was announced that the State of Israel had informed the ICJ that all of Ben-Gvir’s statements that could possibly constitute a criminal offense were being investigated.

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In juxtaposition to the report, no decisions were actually taken on the issue by the heads of the law-enforcement system.

At a meeting last week of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee regarding the release of the Shifa Hospital director, there were harsh words for senior security officials unable to explain such a scandalous denouement. The ostensible interpretation that his release would assist in freeing our hostages lacks logic and has no factual basis.

How can Israel justify this release in the face of its claims that the hospital was a cover for a Hamas military base, whose director collaborated with the enemy, where weapons were stored, where hostages were kept, and where the soldier Noa Marciano was murdered? We are witnessing yet another “innovation” by the military attorney’s office which distinguishes between those murderers who are defined as “Hamas terrorists” and therefore considered legitimate targets and those plain assassins who are not Hamas members and whom, therefore, it is illegal to kill.

Channel 12 political commentator Amit Segal tried to explain what was behind this, clarifying that from the military prosecutor’s viewpoint, in accordance with the international law of war, IDF fighters in Gaza are not authorized to eliminate Hamas policemen unless they can prove that these are members of the Hamas’s military wing, or involved in one of the terrorist organizations currently at war with Israel and considered legitimate targets. Other Hamas members may not be targeted.

An IDF spokesperson responded to Segal’s definition by stating: “In accordance with the political echelon’s directives the IDF has attacked many Gazan government officials who participated in Hamas terrorist activities and are considered legal targets according to international law. During the war, the IDF attacked and killed those who posed a threat to the IDF forces, including operatives among the Hamas police force.”

We read and yet cannot believe how with our own hands we are providing tools and support for the lies of these murderous organizations and of other states that have come together in a bloody alliance against Israel. The enemies of Israel are now laughing to see Jews pitted brother against brother.

Of course, it is crystal clear that the state attorney and the military attorneys are Israeli patriots who desire the good of their country. But so were all the others who were brainwashed by the “conception” that the conflict could be contained until the advent of the terrible events of Simchat Torah.

The colossal failure of Unit 8200 and Military Intelligence Directorate head Gen. Aharon Haliva’s 2022 decision to disband the subordinate Hatzav unit, in charge of listening to the enemies’ open source intelligence (OSINT), following personnel and funding cuts in 2021, constitute an even graver scandal that must be fully investigated. This important unit could have prevented the October 7 massacre.

This assemblage of puzzling decisions must be examined immediately and an explanation proffered to the people of Israel.

With great power comes great responsibility 

CERTAIN STATEMENTS by politicians and journalists have the potential to sabotage the righteousness of our cause as we face an opaque world that favors the lies of Palestinian terrorists.

While the issue of Israel advocacy has never been high on the state’s agenda, its dearth weakens our claims, allowing for our delegitimization and the possibility of the ongoing conflict to develop into a regional war.

In light of this, Israel’s information system has lately shown vast improvement, with the results beginning to be seen in the appearances of politicians and media personalities in the foreign and international press.

However, it will need to work “on steroids” to be effective against campaigns funded by the large amounts of money that continue to be invested by Qatar and Iran. Serious budgets must be allotted to the Foreign Affairs Ministry to produce a more effective information system.

Last week, around 300 influencers with 150 million followers gathered at the NYC Influencers Summit to discuss the war against antisemitism.

A Foreign Affairs Ministry and Movement to Combat Anti-Semitism (CAM) initiative, the summit discussed providing tools for combating antisemitism in social networks, such as Queers for Palestine.

It was attended by Israeli Consul General in New York Ofir Akunis, New York Mayor Eric Adams, who supports Israel, Yael Arad, a member of the World Olympic Committee, the singer Matisyahu, and members of the music industry promoting activities in sectors such as food, fashion, and lifestyle.

Adams addressed the participants, calling them to change the false narrative around Israel with the use of Internet tools. Sacha Roytman, CEO of the Movement to Fight Anti-Semitism said, “It’s time to change history, there is no place in New York for hatred,” adding that “It’s time for the Jews to unite and fight antisemitism and the false narratives of our enemy. Our job is to provide you with the necessary tools for this important struggle.

“We must unite forces, Jews and non-Jews, to fight together against the lies and the waves of hatred being spread against Israel and the Jews,” he said.

The writer is CEO of Radios 100 FM, honorary consul of Nauru, vice dean of the consular staff, and vice president of the Ambassadors Club of Israel.