How is Spines using AI to revolutionize publishing?

The Inside Israeli Innovation Podcast with Eve Young: Season 2, Episode 31

 Yehuda Niv, CO-Founder & CEO @ Spines (photo credit: Spines)
Yehuda Niv, CO-Founder & CEO @ Spines
(photo credit: Spines)

This week, host Eve Young, economics correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, interviews Yehuda Niv, Founder & CEO of Spines - an online book publishing platform.

Spines creates another option for authors beyond traditional, untraditional, and self publishing options, and it uses AI to drastically shorten the timeline for publishing a book or audiobook. 

Yehuda will share how he came up with the idea for Spines, and how he took it from an idea to a business. He will share about the importance of publishing and, in a broader sense, of storytelling. 

As an entrepreneur who has founded companies by bootstrapping and by fundraising, Yehuda will also compare these two paths and share which works best for him.

About Inside Israeli Innovation:

Your go-to podcast for all things to do with innovation in Israel. Join Eve Young as she delves into the heart of Israel's tech and business scenes and uncovers the groundbreaking ideas and visionary minds working to shape the future. Join her each week as she shines a spotlight on the latest trends and entrepreneurial spirit propelling Israel to the forefront of global innovation.

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