Readers can assume that the author believes that her prescription for success in that struggle – an iron-clad US-Israel alliance – has a far greater chance with Trump as president.
I have been privileged to know the Professor for many years, and when he published Affairs of the Heart, I felt that his memories and story needed to be told.
The papyrus of Senemnetjer is among the earliest known examples of this funerary text, which was used to guide the soul of the deceased on its journey to the afterlife.
A new Israeli venture makes literature more accessible and alluring for busy consumers.
In his book Fear No Pharaoh, Richard Kreitner examines the reactions of six Jewish Americans to slavery and the Civil War.
The report, published by IMPACT-se, shows remarkable acceptance of Jews and Jewish history, focusing on collaborations between Israel and Uzbekistan.
The family of the co-owner said that the police confiscated books and placed an order for the store to be closed, all without a search or arrest warrant.
Attributed to Saint Malachy, the book predicts Francis will be the last pope.
Zionism, Prof. Yitzhak Conforti shows, represents a continuation of an ethnic Jewish community that sustained its distinctiveness throughout centuries in the Diaspora.
The book offers a brilliant and concise theology of hope which can be useful for us now during these times of so much darkness, despair, and denial.