How helpful are Chatbots to customer service?

 (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

The major difference between a regular Chatbot and a Chatbot is its artificial intelligence. Regular robots simply follow preset rules and have no complex thoughts, whereas artificial intelligence chatbots can think, formulate answers, and respond to user queries in various ways. Thus, it is the type of Chatbot that would best fit your needs as an investor.

Basically, creating chatbot tools makes use of two major types of Chatbot models, namely linguistic (rules-based Chatbot) or machine learning (artificial intelligence Chatbot). If you plan to invest in the best Chatbot, it is in your best interest to consider what kind of model its technology is based on. Based on this, you will be able to determine if your investment will pay off.

Rule-Based Chatbot:

Most of the modern conversational chatbots are rule-based. It follows some pre-determined algorithms to analyze the words spoken by the user. Then, the bot responds by executing the prescribed rules. Generally, the more sophisticated types of conversational chatbots would also be able to calculate chatbot deflection based on the types of conversations held.

In addition, rule-based Chatbot technology allows a Chatbot to remember conversations held previously. They are also programmed to wait for specific keywords and then automatically respond. However, this functionality could also backfire. Since keywords could easily be misused by other users, the Chatbot could start to offend the people it was intended to please. If this happens, the bot may not be very useful to its original client. Therefore, before availing itself of this service, it is necessary to consider all the important factors that could come with it.

Modern Conversational Chatbot:

Most modern conversational chatbots are indeed sophisticated. They have artificial intelligence that enables them to adapt to ever-changing environments and trends. It means that these types of bots can work even without human interaction. However, these bots still need human intervention in order to fully perform their functions. If the required tasks are not done, the customer support representative would need to manually call a technician in order to troubleshoot the problem.

Artificial Intelligence:

Another type of Chatbot that uses artificial intelligence is the one that performs image search. It means that it can search the Internet for pictures that could be sent to a user's email. This is a useful feature that most modern chatbots possess. They may not be able to answer every question posted. But with the help of its artificial intelligence, it will be able to find relevant answers to most inquiries posted by customers.

Ability to Determine the Intent:

Many experts believe that there are still many more benefits that can be found from these types of chatbots. These include the ability to determine the intent behind a certain tweet. The intent of a tweet is basically what makes it a relevant post to the Twitter network. A tweet that was made with the sole purpose of deceiving people or just being unnecessarily promotional may be deemed inappropriate. Through the use of sentiment analysis, a Chatbot can easily discern whether or not a certain post is appropriate for a certain crowd.


In short, these conversational chatbots can surely contribute to the improvement of customer service on Twitter. However, as technology continues to improve, we can expect even more helpful features that these bots can have. Only time will tell if these will become the next wave of advancements in the Twitter network. What we can be sure of is that these bots can make our lives easier. With the constantly updated information posted by our friends and other users, it would be helpful to have these types of programs around. Although some might see this as advertising, it is more of providing helpful tools to the network.