How Sebastian Cruz Couture Became A Global Luxury Fashion Brand


Luxury fashion brands are often leading the trends in culture and style, but it is no easy status to attain. It takes a refined and quality product, promoted via a strategic approach to encourage a bit of exclusivity and intrigue to elevate one's brand to a true luxury label. This is precisely what Sebastian Cruz Couture did, securing their spot in a market for only the best brands. 

What started as a custom pocket square company quickly escalated into a full-blown house of couture with the launch of just one jacket. Founder and CEO Cesar Cruz made a bold step into the couture market, serving customers looking to stand out stylishly. "We initially started with a state-by-state model allowing entrepreneurs to build the brand locally, but we found too many conflicts of interests when leveraging the brand," explains Cruz. "That was when we turned to Shopify."

After moving their business online, the company released a one-of-a-kind white paisley dinner jacket. "The jacket went viral, and we had hundreds of preorders," states Cruz. "In just a month, we morphed into a global brand with a dedicated following." The initial jacket retailing for almost $1500 had a six-week turnaround time, but a Sebastian Cruz Couture customer looks for high quality built on values.

Cruz's values are evident in his marketing strategy. They aim to educate, inspire, and empower. What Cruz truly enjoys doing is curating exceptional head-to-toe looks that help their consumer not only dress well but also maximize their wardrobe. "I think a luxury brand experience should be empowering," says Cruz. "It's about investing in yourself and the lifestyle you believe in."

While fast fashion continues to dominate, Cruz has always been more interested in building a company made to last. "Quality over quantity is something I have always believed in," he explains. "I want that to be a part of the Sebastian Cruz Couture legacy." Serving tens of thousands of customers worldwide, directing a global luxury fashion brand is a privilege for Cesar Cruz. One that he is passing onto his customers, one finely curated ensemble at a time.