“Many potential adopters might already have a dog or would like to engage in social activities with their dog,” researchers said.
The voyage, which faced public outcry in both Australia and Israel, prompted petitions and legal challenges against Israel's Agriculture Ministry.
Golfers come from around the world to play on a fairway frequented by wildlife.
The MV Bahijah sailed from Australia for Israel on January 5 but abandoned passage through the Red Sea due to threat of attack by Houthis and was ordered home by the Australian government.
Researchers found that humans can tell if chickens are excited or displeased just by the sound of their clucks.
While many countries are discontinuing the practice of live animal shipments for slaughter Israel continues to import animals for slaughter on a massive scale.
Conservation groups complained a kiwi dog toy was inappropriate since dogs are the kiwi bird's most dangerous predator.
Tina Kalig, of Hill Country Village, photographed the odd animal, which resembled a large dog, but its exact identity remained a mystery.
Knesset guards found the porcupine and transferred her to veterinary care.
The innocent animals, previously subjected to neglect at the hands of now-apprehended criminals, have been given a second chance at a better life.