The tool enabled users to calculate time and distances, plot the position of the stars, and even forecast the future by casting a horoscope.
Several of the most notable pieces are thousands of years old.
"You really have to choose the finest or the most fragile artifacts," a museum worker said.
The ANU Museum will be permanently displaying the codex in Tel Aviv starting on October 11, 2023.
Artifacts buried underground were found, these included terra-cotta figurines, for which the region is well known.
A British museum has revealed a photo of a chilling ghost, along with mysterious fingerprints found in an old coffin.
The team made the discoveries during excavations at the temple of Esna, where they had been preserved by a layer of dirt and soot for almost 2,000 years.
Recent excavations in Peru unearthed new details about the Chancay people.
A local elder of Antakya, Turkey's Jewish community handed the scrolls over to ZAKA rescuers, who are working on transporting them to safety.
The researchers believe that artifacts found in the well were meant as sacrifices for the harvest.