Hashtags and social media campaigns led by Lebanese media personalities attempt to restrain Hezbollah from what they deem ‘destruction of the state.'
The Pope shared that he is considering visiting Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Jordan for the second time.
The holiday, which typically occurs the night between July 6 and 7, comes from pre-Christian pagan traditions in the region. But what does one do on this holiday? That is what we’re here to explain!
“In my view, we must cultivate and strengthen our community’s sense of collective identity not to seclude ourselves, but to fit in and take part in our societies,” says Khalloul, Aramean activist.
The award was presented to Stearns by CEO of Friends of Zion Museum, Daniel Voiczek, in recognition of his ceaseless efforts to strengthen understanding and amity between Israel and the Christians.
According to the Saudi news channel Al-Hadath, the Lebanese government decided to grant financial aid of $20,000 for each heir of a Hezbollah casualty.
Overall, the survey, conducted by SurveyUSA revealed a strong alignment of religious beliefs with support for Israel among American Christians, particularly among evangelicals.