Criticizing the UN's failures, MDA’s Global President spoke of MDA's life-saving innovations and its critical role in securing Israel’s home front.
Kantor praised the resilience of Israel's injured soldiers: “Thanks to these young adults, we shall rebuild what has been destroyed.”
The Chinese government’s campaign of repression in Xinjiang – billed as a security measure – was declared a genocide by the United States in 2021.
The event will take place on June 3, and will feature two hours of innovation panels with seasoned and start-up entrepreneurs, tech investors and bankers.
A Hilton hotel guest was shocked to find a formal conference setup with 11 chairs in her room. There might be a reason, and it could happen to you too.
The three-day ELNET Conference gave a platform to key policymakers to discuss a wide range of current critical issues.
Among those participating in the event are politicians, diplomats, cyber experts, scientists, business leaders and more.