Iran has reportedly commissioned criminal networks in Eastern Europe and Canada to attack targets throughout the West and Middle East.
“The task here isn’t easy; there are layer upon layer of crime hubs. Our mission is to simply cut off its head," Ben Gvir said.
The 2024-2027 plan includes new committees and a crackdown on gold sector violations to improve transparency.
In early July, police, alerted by reports of a body in a mosque in Tamra, found the body of Abu Sliman and noted that his head had been severely hit with a metal Quran book stand.
"The strength of an organization is built on its money, the lack of money will make the organization disappear," the source said.
The violent criminal incidents occurred in Yarka, Daliat al-Carmel, Ramla, and Bat Yam.
Experts debate whether Durov’s arrest is a legitimate response to security concerns or a strategic move to control one of the last truly private communication platforms.
This new police data addressed how these numbers grow every year, what areas are prone to disasters, and what can be learned about the identity of the female victims.
Eight individuals were wounded, with two in serious condition.
In July, Trump was shot in his ear in an attempted assassination that left two others injured and one man dead.