The exercise simulated various scenarios, focusing on regional threats, with dozens of IDF soldiers and US Cyber Command troops participating.
As Israel navigates these parallel movements, its remarkable ability to absorb and integrate new immigrants will once again be tested.
Hitachi partners with Israeli startup Cynamics, integrating its AI-based cyber technology to predict and respond to network threats, setting new standards for cybersecurity in Asia.
When users begin typing a message and leave the chat before sending it, WhatsApp marks the conversation with a green “Draft” label in the chat list.
The National Insurance Institute gets tens of thousands of alerts of cyber attacks a day that must be examined by a lone analyst manning the cyber control center.
Many US schools step up security and choose not to serve as polling locations due to safety concerns, as federal agencies have limited response options.
The platform offers various advanced features, from data protection and system oversight to automated workflow tools, making it an increasingly essential tool in corporate security.
It’s not just about protecting votes and individuals - it’s about securing the entire ecosystem and maintaining trust in the election process and democracy.
Small businesses have the power to combat cyber threats
Low-code platforms also offer new solutions to companies who want to digitize but don't have cloud-based infrastructure because these platforms also provide cloud services.