Over 1,500 Risso's dolphins formed a rare super pod off Carmel Bay, California, stunning marine biologists as they stretched for miles, leaping and gliding.
"Pharmaceuticals have become emerging micropollutants and are a growing global concern."
"If we hadn't known that Delle was alone, we might have concluded that a group of at least three dolphins was engaged in various social interactions”.
Analyses of the remains showed that Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki belongs to the group of toothed whales but differs significantly from all previously known primitive representatives.
Using AI, they were able to show that dolphins communicate in a unique way when ship noise is nearby.
Paleontologist Rodolfo Salas said the skull belonged to the largest dolphin known to have inhabited the waters of South America, measuring 3 to 3.5 meters long.
Dolphins could use their electric sense to navigate the globe by magnetic map.
Video: White-cheeked terns have initiated nesting activities within Eilat, employing a variety of maritime structures.
Passengers aboard a cruise ship that had docked in the Faroe Islands were shocked and horrified to bear witness to the mass slaughter of pilot whales.
Just as humans often modify our speech and use 'baby-talk' when talking to babies, a new study finds that bottlenose dolphins do the same with their young.