Notably, 39% of CEOs anticipate a significant increase in their company’s headcount by 5% or more in 2024, signaling a hopeful trajectory for employment worldwide.
The company says that the decision to raise prices follows large rises in prices of raw materials in the past year.
Noteworthy declines were recorded in fresh fruits and culture and entertainment (2.2%); clothing and footwear (1.8%), and furniture and household equipment (0.7%).
With private funding approaching $10 billion and stabilizing to 2019 levels, the ecosystem showcases a discerning yet robust investment environment.
Offering components of national vision and renewed ideological-theological principles of action that will anchor the existence of the State of Israel securely into the future.
As the government formulates the 2024 budget, it must evaluate the war's impact on living costs and address the deficiencies highlighted in the report.
The Bank's forecast places the interest rate at 3.75%-4.00% at the end of 2024, signaling a cautious approach to monetary policy.