Researchers found that gender equality in education had the strongest association with longer life expectancy for both genders.
I’m an Arab. I’m a Christian. I’m a Maronite. And I’m a woman. Each of these is a crucial part of my identity.
Cyprus is an Orthodox Christian state. All minority faiths, including Jews, face major challenges in obtaining religious equality.
The organization also holds major events from time to time.
Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a surrogate mother bears a child for an individual or a couple unable to have children for various reasons.
An innovative new method to help adults with autism engage in society.
23 of the indicators of Israel's quality of life examined by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics favored males, whereas 19 favored females.
Rabbi Ohad Teharlev, the head of Midreshet Lindenbaum, warned of a "desecration of God's name" by the new government.