The regulator has already called on Twitter to detail its handling of online child abuse material which it said has picked up on the website since Musk's takeover.
I’ve noticed a shift in what I’m reading. The media, especially social media, are increasingly replacing the term “antisemitism” with a new term: “Jew hate.”
Hate speech in religious discourse can take many different forms, and in the last several decades has found its way onto the internet.
Eric Adams called on the Jewish community to “challenge social media to not allow it to sit inside the forts of our communities.”
An emailed request for comment to Twitter returned an automated reply with a poop emoji.
In a 2021 campaign video for the fringe political party die Basis (The Basis), Sucharit Bhakdi had said that the Jews had learned evil under Hitler and are utilizing it in Israel to spread more evil.
As violent ideology becomes more commonplace, the street expects these views to be exposed more and more by their leaders, leading to a downward spiral of increasingly extremist thoughts.
Could a marketplace with too many ideas put access to truth at risk?
Lawmakers at the Inter-Parliamentary Union's 146th Assembly pledged to promote peaceful coexistence.
Hate groups’ activity has been rising in Florida for several years, according to a 2022 report by the Anti-Defamation League