Switching to a whole-foods, plant-based diet can help reverse heart disease.
The researchers stress that walking limitations may have many causes beyond weak bones, from heart disease to arthritis.
An RNA-binding protein was identified by scientists in Jerusalem and Germany as a key player in weakened heart muscles.
Climbing just 50 steps a day can cut your heart disease risk by 20%.
Attacks can be triggered by stress, tobacco, heavy drinking of alcohol, infections like strep throat, cold and dry weather, bad sunburn, and some medications.
Dr. Eyal Ben Asa provided valuable insights into global heart disease on International Heart Day last week, spanning topics from heart mechanics to pericarditis risks
Insights gained from studying dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs may be able to further our potential to treat the same disease in humans.
Fish oil supplements claim to help improve heart health but a new study shows those claims may not be backed up by science.
An increased white blood cell count could be an early warning sign of heart conditions to come.
Limited weekday time for exercise? Don't worry, you're still improving your heart health significantly.