Several former supreme court judges, including Aharon Barak, have signed a petition calling on the government to stop the firing of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar.
Israeli High-Tech Headquarters, Histadrut Chief and Israeli politicians react to the High Court of Justice's dismissal of Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar.
The move followed the cabinet's unanimous Thursday vote to end the agency's chief's term.
Even before the recent war broke out, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was doing everything in his power to deflect blame for even the most minor of conflicts, whether it was justified or not.
"The public is entitled to a genuine, non-politically biased investigative committee. Unfortunately, that is not what is being proposed here," he said.
The hearing was live-streamed on the court’s website, a rare occurrence reserved for cases usually with constitutional aspects.
The petition was submitted two days after the petitioners sent an urgent letter to the government demanding that they immediately cancel the decision to cut electricity to the strip.
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The judges of the High Court decided not to issue a temporary order to resume electricity to Gaza.
Both Tzohar and Itim petitioned the High Court of Justice after Malkieli issued ordinances granting more control over the election process of city rabbis to political parties.