Netanyahu's fourth congressional address: A legacy in jeopardy

As Netanyahu delivers his fourth congressional address, his political future is in peril. Facing public backlash, legal issues, and a divided coalition, many wonder if this will be his final address.


The ICJ is using a political escape routes to avoid calling Israel out on apartheid

The legal caution exercised by the ICJ on the most critical issues – such as avoiding the declaration that the occupation itself is illegal.


The ICJ parrots political clichés to generate the fiction of Palestinian statehood

The ICJ is deliberately ignoring Israel’s long-recognized and legitimate historical and legal claims to the areas.


ICJ sips espresso while Tel Aviv coffee shops burn: A tale of legal myopia

Israeli settlements act as crucial buffers against the kind of aggressions that tend to happen when your neighbors aren't exactly sending you fruit baskets.


ICJ: Settlements in West Bank, east Jerusalem are illegal

The decision is expected to address the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip as a single entity. 

IDF chief lawyer gives no timeline for 70 criminal probes

Last month, the IDF military advocate general announced that she is probing over 70 cases of alleged criminal wrongdoing by soldiers during the war.

Int'l lawyer: Palestinian Authority using ICJ case to achieve statehood

The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri and Sarah Ben-Nun.

International lawyer Yuval Sasson simplifies the ICC, ICJ cases against Israel

The Jerusalem Post Podcast with Tamar Uriel-Beeri and Sarah Ben-Nun.

Francesca Albanese runs int'l network targeting Israel, UN Watch charges

The report found that the network's members include some 100 people and NGOs, such as UN, UNRWA, Palestinian, and PLO officials, along with pro-Palestinian academics and activists.

14 Days: Fallen soldiers

Israeli news highlights from the past two weeks.

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