351 buses, 158 trains, 43 tuk-tuks, 37 container ships, 33 boats, 9 trucks, 3 sailboats, 2 cruise ships, 1 carriage, and 1 police car along his travels.
In Ecuador, a family dealing with the grief of loss was met with the ultimate surprise - their loved one was still alive.
The next Eurovision representative from Israel will be selected by Keshet 12's "The Next Star."
"The enemy's goal was to break through our defenses in the most vulnerable, in its opinion, sector of the front," the defense ministry said.
The family had to re-arrange the funeral as the handling company quickly moved to locate the missing coffin.
The Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights allows citizens to take governments to court in case of human rights violations.
Trudeau said last week Canada "will not be intimidated" by Chinese retaliation.
Rabbi Leo Dee’s dare should become the baseline for media reporting about Israel from now on.
The Kremlin has said Gershkovich, the first US journalist detained in Russia on espionage charges since the end of the Cold War, was caught "red-handed."
Ukraine has welcomed China's diplomatic involvement.