On the first anniversary of the Hamas massacre, Christian leaders gathered in Jerusalem for prayer a massive event.
They set out at around 6 a.m., arriving at the police barricade a few hundred meters away from the official residence just before 6:29 - the time the Hamas attack began.
In a resurfaced interview on the anniversary of his birthday, the former president shared he reads 'The Jerusalem Post' and other Israeli media.
Despite the Spanish name, Caballero is an intrinsically Jerusalem restaurant. Dishes are inspired by iconic Jerusalem foods, each with the chef’s twist.
As the night fell and respective visitors explored the rich program offered, it seemed like a tip of the hat is in order to all those hard at work offering perspectives a little more thought-out.
Iranian missiles halt Israeli basketball, sending players to shelter as sirens sound nationwide.
The Jerusalem Post's Aaron Reich reflects on spending time in a bomb shelter during the Iran attack.
First resident ambassador of Papua New Guinea to open embassy in Jerusalem
After a year and a half of complex restoration costing NIS 1.5M, the 17.5-meter skeleton is showcased in an innovative exhibit featuring an interactive marine mammal experience.
One year after the October 7 attacks, Israel dismantles Hezbollah and Hamas, signaling the fall of Khamenei’s transnational terror network.