"Doubt has pushed me into a more profound and existential space, forcing me to confront life’s rawest truths and to anchor myself in something deeper."
Polish police murdered Jews during the Holocaust with gusto and even without Nazi orders, according to new resesarch.
The war persists, and our sacred struggle to safeguard our land and protect our people remains unwavering.
“When my friends asked, ‘Arnie, why is it that you have faith and we don’t?’ — I tried to figure out what experiences in my life made me open to the possibility of faith,” he said last week.
Like Elisha, we must combine faith in miracles with direct, personal action. Our wounded defenders need not only our prayers; they need our presence, support, and commitment.
That is “Hatikvah,” the Hope. Along with faith and courage, it is the secret of our survival.
As we committed on Simchat Torah to dancing again, we are commanded to remember the victims of October 7 and refuse to let our faith dwindle.
Rabbis who are traditionally spiritual leaders in their communities have faced a whole new level of challenges from congregants and from the need to maintain their own spiritual balance post-Oct. 7.