The winner will receive a prize of NIS 180,000, and the winning book will be translated into Arabic as well as another foreign language.
As war has played such a significant part of human history, it is a theme that figures largely in the realms of art, literature, and film.
In some circles, literary readings of the Bible are seen as controversial, but good literary analysis can enhance the Bible’s message about God and human beings.
A number of the speakers to appear at the UPenn event
Three generations of her family, beginning with her paternal grandfather’s arrival from Transylvania, lived in Cuba — which was still taking in Jews when the United States had closed its doors.
She co-founded and performed with “The Pocket People,” a children’s theater group, and “Women’s Voices,” a group giving dramatized poetry readings.
The famed children's book author had once famously said “Even a stinker like Hitler didn’t just pick on them for no reason.”
Jewish Book Council’s annual “Raid the Shelves” event, which, for $25, allows members of the public to take home as many of the nonprofit’s spare books as they can carry.