
Seventy years of love: A lifelong romance that still thrives

Seventy years after meeting in fifth grade, this Israeli couple's love story is still going strong.


Ahead of Valentines Day: 76% of Israeli singles say pizza is their favorite meal

A new OkCupid and Papa John's survey reveals pizza's pivotal role in Israel's dating scene, with most singles naming it their favorite food – though eating it with utensils could be a deal-breaker.

Sirens, sacrifice, and soulmates: An MDA love story

Two Israeli EMTs met saving lives, forging a bond through crisis and commitment. Now, as they prepare to marry, their love story proves that even in chaos, love can thrive.

We asked ChatGPT the secret to happiness - and were surprised by the answer

Happiness is personal, but GPT highlights social connections, gratitude, mindfulness, self-fulfillment, and passion for action as keys to satisfaction. It’s unique for each person.

  IDF soldiers enjoying food delivered by Cooking with Love for Soldiers.

Healing Israeli society one year after October 7: Reflections on love and forgiveness

One year after October 7, we must practice unconditional love towards each other to heal our broken nation.


The ancient legend of love: The mystical Tu B'Av pilgrimage to Israel's Amuka

Amuka is the revered burial site of Rabbi Yonatan Ben Uziel. Legend has it that if you go there, you may find love.


Israelis embrace home-based celebrations on Tu B’Av, with online dating for singles

Due to the ongoing conflict, Israeli Tu B'Av celebrations are shifting to home-based, intimate gatherings, reflecting a global trend.


Dating divides: The language of love doesn't always translate - opinion

Cultural differences can create unexpected challenges in cross-cultural dating.

Tu B'Av: Everything you need to know about the Jewish holiday of love and romance

Tu B'Av is often considered a Jewish version of Valentine's Day. But this ancient holiday has its own distinct traditions and practices, which have evolved until today. Here's what you should know.

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