Until this weekend, France was hiding behind the posture that it is “just following orders” - just as it did in the 1940s.
"As the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu would be welcome to attend, as would any other head of state."
French President Emmanuel Macron set off a political earthquake on Sunday when he called shock legislative elections for later this month after he was trounced in the European Union vote.
The international bloc has made the first major effort to address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan's civil conflict.
French President Emmanuel Macron spoke with Netanyahu regarding issues within Israel's borders and in the Middle East at large.
The prize is awarded to personalities who have shown exemplary support for European Jewry, defended their religious rights, and combatted antisemitism.
French Jews, who have been suffering from a huge wave of antisemitism, added: "The CRIF would like to remind everyone of Hamas's responsibility for the deaths of Palestinian civilians."
Braun-Pivet, who is Jewish, announced a minute of silence for the victims of October 7 during a parliamentary meeting last week.
A teacher was killed in a knife attack in Arras, and the investigation was handed to the anti-terrorism prosecutor's office.
'The security of Israel is Germany's reason of state and we will act accordingly,' he said.