
US Marines move forward with purchase of Israel's Iron Dome

As part of the deal, the Marine Corps will purchase 44 Iron Dome launchers and 1,840 Tamir interceptors.

Haifa U. researchers awarded $100,000 to discover shark survival secrets

78% of shark and ray species in the Red Sea are classified as threatened, including around 40 species on Israel's coast.

Israeli scientists discover mechanism for scallops to camouflage eyes

Oysters, mussels and clams have a mechanism that makes the color of their eyes camouflage to match the color of the water they're in.

Noise from deep-sea mining may disrupt whale song, study finds

A study found man-made noise could increase the risk of mother whales being separated from their calves since their normal vocalizations are quiet.


Israel's beaches cleanest they have been in 17 years, new report says

The coastal areas of Acre, Haifa, Carmel, Bat Yam and more were the cleanest beaches in Israel throughout 2022.

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