
The Yehuda Naftali Botanic Garden: A peaceful, green oasis in a bustling city

The Yehuda Naftali Botanic Garden serves a threefold purpose at the university.

Jackal bites baby's face near Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev

This is the second time in a month and a half that the paramedic had to treat a child during a camping trip in the Negev.

Essential items for your outdoor adventure: Don't forget these!

With summer upon us, preparations for outdoor adventures are in full swing. Here is Rikushet's list of must-have items.

A CRAB spider prepares to ambush an unsuspecting beetle on a flower, near Mevaseret Zion

Knowing the Land of Israel part 1: The Jerusalem Hills

Stepping out into nature, learning about, and marveling at the hidden wonders of our country can be a meaningful way of reconnecting to our land, our strength, and our heritage.


Blue and white in green: A released IDF soldier's hike through Israel

Journey with this new oleh – and recently demobbed IDF paratrooper – as he walks for Israel.


Passover: Universal lessons from the environment

What instruction does our shared environment teach us about creating healthier and more vibrant democracies derived from a communal understanding of freedom?

Garden of eatin': Hiking the Holyland and all it has to offer

Something about the foragers’ feast we find in this forest connects me to our nation’s past.

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