Residents expressed dissatisfaction with the Israel Police's "culture of covering up" and said they had faced similar acts of harassment and assault for years.
The camels were found in a state of decomposition with no shell casings at the site, indicating that they were not killed by gun fire.
According to official figures, eight monkeys and three lion cubs have been recovered so far in operations carried out in collaboration with the INPA.
Now more than ever, strong Zionist leadership must stand at the helm of the decisions that affect us all.
The animals were transferred to inspectors from the Israel Nature and Parks Authority for further care.
Hunderte von Vögeln aus der gleichen Familie wie der Falke wurden Anfang Februar in der westlichen Negev-Wüste tot aufgefunden; Ermittler gehen davon aus, dass sie vergiftetes Wasser getrunken haben.
Kfar Hanokdim blends tradition and modernity, offering a desert experience with glowing scorpion tours, camel encounters, and various accommodations, from traditional tents to luxurious rooms.
The Inside Israeli Innovation Podcast: Season 2, Episode 46
The Knesset Economic Affairs Committee met on Monday to prepare for the second and third reading of a bill addressing expanded rehabilitation for the Tkuma Region.
In addition to arms smuggling, the defendants were charged with damaging IDF property, aiding in illegal border crossings, drug offenses, and more.