British girl finds fossil of massive ancient marine reptile in Somerset, England. Jawbone suggests creature rivaling blue whales, named Ichthyotitan severnensis.
Named Sidersaura marae, a new species of long-necked herbivorous dinosaur was discovered in the province of Neuquén, Argentina.
Proteins were discovered in fossilized feathers which were previously believed to only be present in modern animals.
The question of whether Fujianvenator, with its curious mixture of skeletal features, should be classified as a bird or a dinosaur is still in debate.
Researchers described the newly discovered creature as similar to Edward Scissorhands because of its long claws.
The purring domestic cats of today may have more in common with their fearsome prehistoric ancestors than we thought.
"Here, we have good evidence for a smaller mammal preying on a larger dinosaur, which is not something we would have guessed without this fossil," Mallon added.
The placoid scales are not seen on speedier shark species, as those species have scales with spaced ridges.
Primates, whom humans evolved from, rabbits and hares, dogs and cats were shown to have evolved just before the mass extinction, so they coexisted with dinosaurs.
The pterosaur was nicknamed after the king of rock and roll due to a giant pompadour-like bony crest on its skull.