
Finding meaning in Judaism: From captivity to candle lighting

Beyond the Headlines: A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news

Parashat Teruma: ‘Its interior is filled with love’

An exploration into the meaning and significance of the cherubim (angels) that sat upon the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle.

Parashat Mishpatim: The Jewish consciousness of ‘hessed’

You must assist him even at the expense of helping a righteous person who also needs aid – so that you may overcome the inclination to hate that person within your heart.

Parashat Yitro: Preceding the Torah

Good character traits – especially those expressed in accepting those who are different and understanding their pain and feelings – are a prerequisite for receiving the Torah.

Parashat Yitro: Hearing the silence, seeing the sound

Comprehension begins within us, including our understanding and encounter with God – the universal web that connects us to everything and everybody.

The Chosen People: But Why Us?


From fear to song: Haftarah of Parashat Beshalach mirrors Israel's current state

As in the Jewish Bible, Israel also now stands at a moment that offers the hope of quiet. With a fragile cessation of hostilities holding for now, we feel just about ready to lift our heads and heart

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