Nearing the end of Kaddish for the Oct 7 victims and Agam Berger's 20's birthday in captivity in Gaza, Parashat Re’eh highlights our freedom of choice between the blessing and the curse.
The remembering person is the moral person. The remembering person does not sink into self-satisfaction, pride, and narcissism.
God was not pleased with the people’s request to send spies to the land of Canaan, yet He consented to it. What can we learn from this?
The Israelites fell into the trap set by Balaam.
We are chosen for greater commitment and to inspire spirituality in others.
God informs Moses: Your role is over. You have led the people faithfully for the past 40 years, and now, just before the people reach their destination and enter the Land of Israel, must step aside.
What does God require of us? He demands – and this is a firm demand, not a polite request – that we be good: to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.