As the violence continues, being overwhelmed will make it more difficult for us to help our children process and manage their feelings.
Who would have dreamed that playing Tetris for fifteen minutes can prevent psychological trauma in mothers after a difficult birth?
Those of us being entreated to care for the elderly understand precious little of life as they experience it.
When staying up all night, scheduling two nap sessions – a 90-minute one followed by a quick 30-minute shut-eye later – is the optimal choice over a single 120-minute snooze, a study found.
These creative offerings for children were crafted by Israeli hi-tech experts to welcome today’s children into the modern technology-driven world.
The Power of PR Parenting is an easy, breezy read from which any parent can glean good ideas for navigating the most challenging and important career of all.
A viral video demonstrates a safe and efficient method to open a locked car window and rescue a trapped baby.