Amit Ungerovitch, a product manager at BSH, the official importer of Bosch, explains how to properly organize the dishwasher.
Yuval Kaspit, Danit Greenberg, and Omer Nudelman - who rocked the same white maxi dress on the first holiday evenings? Where did they get it, and in what other colors does it exist?
Despite the joyous occasion, the mood in Israel is somber with ongoing war casting a shadow over the celebrations. Many soldiers are unable to join their families for the traditional Seder meal.
Part of the secret of this perseverance is the timeless messages of Passover and their ability to inspire new meaning in each generation.
The new menu, launched on the Passover Seder, features among among others, roast beef in wine sauce, confit carrots and mushrooms.
The origins of the Haggadah are not clear, but the commandment to retell the Exodus comes from a strange night-long meeting of five sages.
The protest, planned on the second night of the week-long Jewish feast of Passover, is one of a dozen to be held in cities around the country, including Portland, Oregon, and Seattle.