Under the direction of Yael Valier, Yehoshua Looks and Simon Stout do a superb job of bringing to the stage the adaptation of Mitch Albom’s bestselling memoir.
Simply the Best is described as a powerful journey through the extraordinary life of the Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Tina Turner.
“Music has always been my anchor.” Efrat Gosh opens up about her career, struggles, and what’s next.
The musical is this year’s production by Israel’s veteran English-language musical theatre group, LOGON (the Light Opera Group of the Negev).
With a fast-moving plot, multiple characters, and frequent scene changes, staging this play is a challenge, particularly in the Khan Theater’s smaller space. But director Weisberg pulled it off.
Pascu’s fantastic performance masterfully kept guests on the edge of these said seats and was equally rich with such small details.
These are the top 10 reasons to leave the house this week.
Ornat Lempert explores Israeli motherhood in a one-woman cabaret blending humor, tragedy, and collective reflection.
Fun events to take part in throughout Israel in the coming week.