Immediately after the call came in, the synagogue security guard alerted the congregants, prompting 400 people to exit the building.
The purpose of the vidui is to have the entire community atone for its sins; you’re repenting not just for your own shortcomings, but for the shortcomings of the person sitting next to you.
The decision for this year's service followed conflicts last year at a service where tensions were high between those who wanted divided prayers and those who did not want to see division in public.
ISRAELI MUSIC is changing, in tune with the times. Elton John sings “Sad songs say so much...” but in Hebrew, sad songs have their own elevated status.
A rundown on the Sukkot's history and meaning, differing customs, and rules and times for when Yom Tov begins and ends.
This year’s challenges have tested our faith, but prayer remains a means for introspection and reassessing our priorities.
“Ana b’Koach” is an especially appropriate prayer for the beginning of the year.